To capture airborne allergens, use the filter media in the Allergy Zone Vent Defense Kit to trap allergens before they flow into your room. The electrostatic media attracts and grabs allergens, keeping these allergy-causing particles from circulating out of your HVAC’s vents into the room. The large 16” x 60” media can be easily trimmed to your vent’s size and placed behind the grille. The filter media is a simple, quick and economical way to target an area in your home where you need extra filtration. Dust, dander, molds and pollens will be grabbed by the media which will help keep air cleaner and healthier.
Place the filter media in the allergic person’s bedroom, as this room is where the most time is likely spent out of the day. It’s recommend that you only cover the vents in 1 room as using it on too many rooms can be a drain on your HVAC system. Filter kit includes easy to follow instructions and everything you need to install the filter media that you’ve cut to fit your grille. For additional filtration of airborne particles, use Allergy Zone Furnace Air Filters.